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Spatium SDK > signEddsaMessage


suspend fun signEddsaMessage(driver: ProtocolKotlin, secretId: String, syncSessionId: String, signSessionId: String, message: String): EddsaSignature

Generate distributed EDDSA signature for a given message

This method requires an already performed synchronisation procedure and does not store anythig in the permanent storage. Messages of a length, different from 32 bytes are padded/truncated according to EDDSA algorithm.


EDDSA signature in standard format

  • SeeAlso: SpatiumProtocol/signEddsaMessage(secretId:syncSessionId:signSessionId:message:)


// Assume an already performed synchronisation procedure and established connection

// Generate random session ID for a new signing session
val signSessionId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()

// Message to be signed
val message = "7hJ9yN2OdIQo2kJu0arZgw2EKnMX5FGtQ6jlCWuLXCM="

// Generate a EDDSA signature
val signature = signEddsaMessage(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String, signSessionId: String, message: String)

// Verify the resulting signature against a compound public key
     "curve" to EcdsaCurve.secp256k1,
     "publicKey" to publicKey,
     "message" to message,
     "signature" to mapOf(
         "r" to signature.r,
         "s" to signature.s,
         "recovery" to signature.recovery



driver ProtocolKotlin implementation
secretId ID (UUID) of a secret used for synchronisation
syncSessionId ID (UUID) of a corresponding synchronisation procedure
signSessionId ID (UUID) of this signing procedure
message message (32 bytes, base64 encoded) to be signed