Fee Info BTC-like service
Server address: https://cloud.spatium.net/fee-info-btc-like/v1
For this server address, the following blockchain (chain
) fee information is available:
- btc;
- ltc;
- bch;
- doge.
Transaction fee
Information about the fee size for sending transactions or smart contract execution on the blockchain network. The service provides three fee values:
- slow: less fee value, more transaction confirmation time;
- normal: medium fee value, medium transaction confirmation time;
- fast: more fee value, less transaction confirmation time.
Fee info caching
The end user (client) receives a transaction fee from the service in the form of static JSON files.
Swagger BTC-like Fee Info History
Request structure
Response structure
Request example
Response example
Swagger BTC-like Fee Info Latest
Request structure
Response structure
"{chain}": {
"date": number,
"feeInfo": {
"fast": string,
"normal": string,
"slow": string
"{chain}": {
"date": number,
"feeInfo": {
"fast": string,
"normal": string,
"slow": string
Request example