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Address Info Service


This service is designed for:

  • retrieving blockchain information about a specific address, including the assets held at that address and the balance of those assets.
  • retrieving a list of transactions associated with a specific address.

Optionally, this service can be used to send blockchain data about assets to the Asset Info service. This functionality is configured in an application's configuration file.

Key Concepts and Terminology


Within the service, information about assets is represented as assets. The service supports the following types of assets:

  • Coins (Coin) - core blockchain cryptocurrencies supported by the service.
  • ERC-20 Tokens (Erc20Token) - cryptocurrencies based on Ethereum and Ethereum-compatible blockchains, defined by a contract address.
  • Stellar Assets (StellarAsset) - cryptocurrencies based on the Stellar blockchain, defined by the issuer's address and the asset code.

For detailed fields descriptions and examples, see the Data Models: Asset section.

Asset Amount

Balance and transaction data information about asset amount always includes a quantitative value in an internal integer format (amount), as well as the decimal places (decimals) required to convert an integer data to an external format with a specified precision observed by end-users.

Structure of an asset amount:

{ amount: '184000', decimals: 8 }

For detailed field descriptions, see the API Documentation section.


A list of balances represents a set of data for each available asset at an address, indicating the asset (asset) and the asset amount (balance). This list always contains at least one entry for the coin balance.

Structure of balances with the minimal set of data:

balances: [
    asset: {
      kind: 'coin',
      chain: 'btc',
    balance: { amount: '114492', decimals: 8 }

For detailed field descriptions, see the API Documentation section.

Transactions and Actions

A list of transactions represents a set of data for all transactions available at the address, including:

  • Transaction ID (txid)
  • Block ID (block)
  • Transaction Date (date)
  • Coin Fee (fee)
  • Coin Value (value)
  • Sender Address (from)
  • Recipient Address (to)
  • Status (status)
  • List of Actions (actions) - a set of data for all actions performed within this transaction, including the required field asset (asset) and other specific information within this type, for example:
    • Asset Value (value)
    • Sender Address (from)
    • Recipient Address (to)

All supported action types and their corresponding data structures are described in the API documentation section.

Structure of a transaction with one entry:

  transactions: [
      txid: '88ae5ffad07794cbb89680a2ee6f9014535b921417343ca5dec5f2fcc9ea162c',
      block: '650924',
      date: '1601644422',
      fee: { amount: '35346', decimals: 8 },
      value: { amount: '500149885', decimals: 8 },
      from: '3jjpf13rd8g6wayvg8yipnrsdjjt1np4fc',
      to: '1axsmsktfqvyhw977gsakff5s3jw8pbhf8',
      status: 'confirmed',
      actions: [
          type: 'transfer',
          asset: {
            kind: 'coin',
            chain: 'btc',
          value: { 
            amount: '184000', 
            decimals: 8,
          from: '3jjpf13rd8g6wayvg8yipnrsdjjt1np4fc',
          to: '1axsmsktfqvyhw977gsakff5s3jw8pbhf8',

For detailed field descriptions, see the API Documentation section.