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Fee Info Cloud Service


The service is responsible for the following functions:

  • Fetching information about the current transaction fee for all supported blockchains;
  • Inserting transaction fee into permanent storage;
  • Generating JSON caches from historical transaction fee data.

Server stores data, saved with different frequencies depending on its proximity to the current moment. Below is a description of the periods (period) and the data collection frequency.

  • Hour (last hour): Information is saved every minute and stored with a limit of 60 entries.
  • Day (last day): Information is saved twice an hour and stored with a limit of 60 entries.
  • Week (last week): Information is saved every three hours and stored with a limit of 60 entries.
  • Month (last month): Information is saved every 12 hours and stored with a limit of 60 entries.
  • Eternity: Information is collected once a day since the launch of the rate service.

Service provides different static JSON-files with fee info history and current fee information for every supported blockchain.

Service provides fee info for the following networks (network):

  • livenet - main network;
  • testnet - test network.

Request parameters embedded in the URL (period - data collection frequency, chain - blockchain id, network - network type) are mandatory.

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