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Spatium SDK > SpatiumProtocol


open class SpatiumProtocol(val crypto: Crypto, val transport: TransportDriver, val timeout: UInt?) : ProtocolKotlin

SpatiumProtocol Constructor



crypto software or hardware crupto module to perform computations with
transport message passing implementation, be it socket, HTTP(S) or other means of communication
timeout (optional) per-message request timeout, after which a procedure is dropped
validateMessage (optional) external transaction validator


SpatiumProtocol [androidJvm]
constructor(crypto: Crypto, transport: TransportDriver, timeout: UInt?)


Name Summary
crypto [androidJvm]
val crypto: Crypto
timeout [androidJvm]
val timeout: UInt?
transport [androidJvm]
open val transport: TransportDriver


Name Summary
getEcdsaPublicKey [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun getEcdsaPublicKey(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String): String
Get a compound public key from an already performed synchronisation session
getEddsaPublicKey [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun getEddsaPublicKey(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String): String
Get a compound public key from an already performed synchronisation session
off [androidJvm]
open override fun off()
Unsubscribe from server-side events
on [androidJvm]
open override fun on(validateMessage: (message: String, signatureToken: String) -> Boolean)
Subscribe to server-side events
removeDistributedEcdsaKey [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun removeDistributedEcdsaKey(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String)
Remove an already performed synchronisation session from storage
removeDistributedEddsaKey [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun removeDistributedEddsaKey(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String)
Remove an already performed synchronisation session from storage
signEcdsaMessage [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun signEcdsaMessage(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String, signSessionId: String, message: String, signatureToken: String): EcdsaSignature
Generate distributed ECDSA signature for a given message
signEddsaMessage [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun signEddsaMessage(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String, signSessionId: String, message: String, signatureToken: String): EddsaSignature
Generate distributed EDDSA signature for a given message
syncDistributedEcdsaKey [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun syncDistributedEcdsaKey(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String, curve: EcdsaCurve, derivationCoin: UInt, derivationAccount: UInt): String
Perform distributed key synchronisation procedure
syncDistributedEddsaKey [androidJvm]
open suspend override fun syncDistributedEddsaKey(secretId: String, syncSessionId: String, curve: EddsaCurve, derivationCoin: UInt, derivationAccount: UInt): String
Perform distributed key synchronisation procedure