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At the moment, the following modules are subject to installation:

  • SpatiumSDKSwift - the main Spatium SDK package containing protocol and core cryptography logic.
  • SignerClientSwift - an auxiliary package that contains specific components for working with the SDK and Spatium Signer Service.


General Information

The SpatiumSDKSwift package is distributed as a binary .xcframework containing the following architectures:

  • macox (x86_64, arm64)
  • ios (arm64)
  • simulator (x86_64, arm64)

A zip archive of the framework is available at the following link: https://registry.spatium.io/repository/files-releases-sdk/SpatiumSDKSwift.xcframework.zip, checksum: 3a7bbcec02276166f56ac988da57172f93bea23b1cea48811624fdc05c25c11d.

To download the package (or install it as a dependency), you must specify access credentials received directly from the Spatium team.

The SignerClientSwift package is distributed as a public swiftpm package: https://bitbucket.org/caspiantechnologies/spatium-signer-client-swift.git and already includes a configured dependency on SpatiumSDKSwift.


To successfully install the package as a swiftpm dependency, you must also specify access credentials; the easiest way to do this is by creating a .netrc file in the user's home folder with the following contents:

machine https://registry.spatium.io login <yourlogin> password <yourpassword>

Example dependency configuration in swiftpm for SpatiumSDKSwift:

targets: [
        name: "SpatiumSDKSwift",
        url: "https://registry.spatium.io/repository/files-releases-sdk/SpatiumSDKSwift.xcframework.zip",
        checksum: "3a7bbcec02276166f56ac988da57172f93bea23b1cea48811624fdc05c25c11d"
        name: <your_target>,
        dependencies: [

Example dependency configuration in swiftpm for SignerClientSwift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://bitbucket.org/caspiantechnologies/spatium-signer-client-swift.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.1")),
targets: [
        name: <your_target>,
        dependencies: [
            .product(name: "SignerClientSwift", package: "spatium-signer-client-swift"),


The following snippet allows you to verify a connection by registering a new pair of secrets and synchronizing the public key.

import SpatiumSDKSwift
import SignerClientSwift

func test() async throws {
    let auth = AuthorizationSession(
        url: "https://cloud.spatium.net/authorization/v1",
        tokenId: UUID().uuidString,
        permissions: ["read", "secret"]

    let clientCache = MemoryStorageDriver()
    let clientStorage = MemoryStorageDriver()

    let clientCrypto = SpatiumCrypto(cache: clientCache, storage: clientStorage)

    let clientProtocol = SignerClient(
        url: "https://cloud.spatium.net/signer/v1",
        auth: auth,
        crypto: clientCrypto,
        timeout: 15 * 1000

    // Retrieve a securityToken for an existing user via Cloud API

    try await clientProtocol.auth.establish([securityToken])

    try await clientProtocol.connect(timeout: 10 * 1000)

    defer {

    let secretId = UUID().uuidString

    try await clientProtocol.generateDistributedSecret(
        secretId: secretId

    let syncSessionId = UUID().uuidString

    let publicKey = try await syncDistributedEcdsaKey(
        driver: clientProtocol,
        secretId: secretId,
        syncSessionId: syncSessionId,
        curve: .secp256k1,
        derivationCoin: 0,
        derivationAccount: 0