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A string identifier from a list of blockchains supported by the service.

For a detailed description, see the Supported Blockchains section.


Assets in fiat currencies have a string identifier for each currency.

Coins are limited to a strictly defined list of blockchains supported by the service, while other types of crypto assets are represented by dynamic data based on blockchain information about assets held at an address.

Crypto asset data always includes information about the asset type (kind) and a string identifier of the blockchain. For dynamically provided assets, the data also includes additional information, necessary for unambiguous asset identification, such as contract address (contract) or token identifier (tokenId).


  • kind - asset type (fixed string)
  • currency - fiat currency
 kind: 'fiat';
 currency: FiatCurrency;
 kind: 'fiat';
 currency: 'usd';


  • kind - asset type (fixed string)
  • chain - blockchain identifier (Chain)
  kind: 'coin';
  chain: Chain;
  kind: 'coin',
  chain: 'btc'


  • kind - asset type (fixed string)
  • chain - blockchain identifier (Chain)
  • contract - token contract address (string)
  kind: 'erc20';
  chain: Chain;
  contract: string;
  kind: 'erc20',
  chain: 'eth',
  contract: '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f'


  • kind - asset type (fixed string)
  • chain - blockchain identifier (Chain)
  • code - alphanumeric code of the Stellar blockchain asset (string)
  • issuer - address of the Stellar blockchain asset issuer (string)
  kind: 'stellar-asset';
  chain: 'xlm';
  code: string;
  issuer: string;
  kind: 'stellar-asset',
  chain: 'xlm',
  code: 'USDC',